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Jon Armstrong [Subscriber Content]: The Highly-Creative and Innovative Jazz Saxophonist, former LA Freelancer, Bandleader, Composer and current Professor of Jazz Studies and Commercial Music at Idaho State University
Richard Antoine White [Subscriber Content]: The highly inspirational Professor of Tuba at The University of New Mexico, Principal Tubist of the New Mexico Philharmonic and Santa Fe Symphony, and author. Listen in to his incredible story!
David Bilger (Subscriber Content): Former Principal of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and Trumpet Professor at Northwestern University and the Curtis Institute of Music
Andreas Neubronner (Subscriber Content): The multi-Grammy Award winning recording producer of the San Francisco, London, Vienna (and more!) Symphonies
Nick Norton (Subscriber Content): The inspirational, huge-hearted former Principal Trumpet of the Utah Symphony
Bill Williams (Subscriber Content): International Trumpeter, Former Dean of the New World Symphony, and Optimal Performance Coach!
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Kevin Mayse, Part 2 [Subscriber Content]: Trumpet Instructor, Ensembles Director, and Department Chair of the exciting program at Riverside City College
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